How to make plots

ROOT macro demos are in macors directory. Move to this directory first. Start ROOT CINT and load MACRO. Then execute as samples below.

These are just simple demos. I encourage you to look into the codes and improve it, or make your own. ( If you know ROOT, you can do it =D )
Sample command 1:
 mppcTest.C to check one histogram

The function histText() is defined to return TH1D*. You need to create TH1D* and draw histogram.

$ root
root[] > .L mppcTest.C
root[] > TH1D *h1 = histText("h1", "../data/20130305/mppctest001.txt")
root[] > h1->Draw()
Sample command 2:
 adcCalibration.C to check three adc data at one time

The function “histText” is defined to return TCanvas*. You need to create TCanvas*. (Canvas will be drawn automatically)

$ root
root[] > .L adcCalibration.C
root[] > TCanvas *c1 = histText(32)
Sample command 3:
 tracker.C for eventdisplay

You don’t need to load tracker.C, just type

$ root tracker.C

or, in case you want to start from certain run number,

$ 'root tracker.C(3)'

Change branch descriptor

All macros use method TTree::ReadFile(FILENAME, BRANCH_DESCRIPTOR)() to create TTree from text file. If you changed orders or number of columns of output text format, modify BRANCH_DESCRIPTOR as needed.